Neuro X Institute and partnerships

Neuro X institute benefits from three very strong clinical partnerships with highly renowned clinical institutions.


NeuroRestore, led by Prof Courtine and Bloch, is an innovation and treatment center, that develops and applies bioengineering strategies involving neurosurgery to restore neurological functions. The center, a joint venture between EPFL, CHUV and UNIL, supported by the Defitech foundation, develops investigative treatments in the domains of Spinal Cord Injury, Parkinson disease and stroke.

Clinique Romande de Réhabiliation SUVA

Managed by SUVA, the Clinique Romande de Réhabilitation treats over a thousand patients a year suffering from disabilities after trauma. Prof Hummel leads a collaboration with CRR to extend the scope of rehabilitation to trauma patients, in close collaboration with the Wallis hospital.


There are longstanding collaborations with the Geneva University Hospital (HUG), in particular with the neurosurgery division, with the Swiss Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery (SFITS), and Center for Virtual Medicine.

The Neuro X Institute operates on several sites.

Crossing the boundaries of campuses and disciplines to better build the future of neurotherapies.

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Principle investigators

The Neuro X Institute is the home of a vibrant community of Principle Investigators, active in various areas of neuro-research.

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Open faculty positions

Two open faculty positions in Neurotechnology, affiliated to the School of Engineering.

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Research domains

The research at Neuro X Institute is interdisciplinary by nature. The list of disciplines that we use to develop next-generation therapies is endless.

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