Grégoire Courtine to take the helm of the Neuro X Institute in 2025 The Neuro X Institute is pleased to announce the appointment of Grégoire Courtine as its new Director. Learn More

Neuro-X postdoctoral  fellowships program

The 2024 round of the Neuro X postdoctoral program is now closed. Please visit this page again in late Spring 2025 for the next call.

   The program

The Neuro X postdoctoral fellowships program seeks to support the next generation of leaders developing innovative research at the crossroads of neuroscience, neuroengineering and neurocomputation, and contemplating clinical translation. The program intends to promote young researchers with bold ideas in neurotechnology and provide a ramp towards academic independence.


We expect to select 2 outstanding candidates per cohort. The fellow will receive salary funding and research cost support for 12 months, renewable once, and will be hosted by a Neuro X laboratory. The submitted project is expected to be carried out through a collaboration between two Neuro X laboratories, or one Neuro X lab and another EPFL lab or clinical partner.


The Neuro X Postdoctoral Fellowship program is open to individuals who:

  • have fully obtained their PhD at the start of the fellowship, but no more than four years before the application date.

  • have a background in neuroscience, neuro-engineering or computational neuroscience

  • have identified a research project that can be carried out in one of the Neuro X labs and obtained written support of at least one Neuro X PI

  • will not reach the EPFL contract duration limit during the fellowship (please do contact the potential host PI in case of any doubt)


The Neuro X Institute promotes diversity.

   Application process

Applications should be submitted to the Neuro X Institute by email. Please do provide the following documents in a single pdf file:

  • Your CV and publication list
  • A cover letter
  • The Annex II describing your project
  • The Annex III: support letter from your host PI

Review of applications will start on June 1st, 2024,  on a rolling basis.

Neuro X Postdoctoral Fellowships Program flyer

Job opportunities

We currently do not have any specific job offer, but are always open to hear about trainees and professionals willing to join us on our journey to fight neural disorders.

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